When I analyze any table, i got ” ORA-14508: specified VALIDATE INTO table not found” error.
Details of error are as follows.
SQL> analyze table MEHMET.DEVECI validate structure cascade; analyze table MEHMET.DEVECI validate structure cascade * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14508: specified VALIDATE INTO table not found SQL> analyze table MEHMET.DEVECI partition(PART_20200227) validate structure cascade into invalid_rows; analyze table MEHMET.DEVECI partition(PART_20200227) validate structure cascade into invalid_rows * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14508: specified VALIDATE INTO table not found ora-14508 14508, 00000, "specified VALIDATE INTO table not found" // *Cause: The specified table either does not exist or user does not have the proper privileges. // *Action: Specify the correct table to use.
To solve this error, Run the utlvalid.sql from $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory, The utlvalid.sql script will create the ‘INVALID_ROWS’ table.
SQL> @utlvalid.sql Table created. SQL>
After running the utlvalid.sql script, execute the same Analyze table command, they will run successfully.
SQL> analyze table MEHMET.DEVECI partition(PART_20200227) validate structure cascade into invalid_rows; Table analyzed. SQL> analyze table MEHMET.DEVECI validate structure cascade; Table analyzed.
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