Why low-code development platforms are gaining increasing popularity?

What does it take to create a business app? A large budget, a team of skilled developers, and plenty of time and patience, one might argue, but it’s exactly this misconception that has prevented many talented entrepreneurs from putting their creative ideas into practice.

Building an app doesn’t have to be complicated, nor does it have to cost you your entire budget. Low code development can bridge the tech divide, empowering professionals with little or no coding training to build the perfect apps in the shortest time possible without compromising on quality. In 2020, the global low-code platform market gained $13 billion in revenue, and it’s expected to reach $65 billion by 2027 as more and more companies embrace digital transformation. Let’s have a look at the factors that propelled low-code platforms to where they are today and what convinced so many businesses to try them:


Faster time to market

Developing an app the conventional way can last quite a long time. Apart from the actual development time, which varies from IT provider to IT provider, you also need to account for recruitment time because skilled developers can be hard to find. Also, the app has to be thoroughly tested before deployment to make sure it integrates with existing software, and there are no bugs. Meanwhile, with low-code development platforms, you can start working on your app as soon as you get the idea. And the best part? You don’t need programming knowledge because low-code platforms are based on visual drag-and-drop elements that anyone can use. This way, you can put your own ideas into practice, and you don’t have to wait for the development team.


Lower costs

According to data from Business of Apps:


  • The costs of app development start from $40,000 for the simple apps with basic functionality.
  • For complex apps, the costs can go all the way up to $120,000
  • The cost of hiring a US-based app developer for a year is around $90,000.


These numbers can be pretty intimidating, especially for a small company. In comparison, low-code platforms are much cheaper without compromising on quality. This way, smaller companies have a way to keep up with competitors, while big companies can quickly build prototypes without investing a lot of money.



Low-code platforms can be used to create a wide variety of apps, from mobile apps to business process management and customer service management. You can basically automate any idea you may have within minutes, and you no longer need to find a developer that specializes in precisely that type of app. That’s because low-code platforms have pre-made data modules that can be used out of the box.



When your business grows, the apps have to grow with it. There might also be times when your company has to downsize, and then you don’t need apps with more features than you can use. In both these cases, low-code development platforms can keep up with you. Depending on the scenario, you can tweak your business apps from the platform without having to worry about time-consuming maintenance.


About ben-morgan

Hello, everyone! I am a copywriter and like to describe software that can help you manage the time more efficiently. Besides that, I am good at social media marketing

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