SEO of Terms

Domain: It is the name given to the address of the site. For example: ittutorial domain address. .org is called the domain extension. The importance of domain seo is the length of the domain duration and the level of competition.

On page seo: It is an in-site SEO work from the design to the coding structure within the website. Topics such as links, images, mobile compatibility content and articles are the main ones.

Off page seo: It includes the Web site located outside sources. The most important is the use of social media.

Spam: It is called studies to deceive search engines. You should never drop your website to spam. For seo, minus points. If it is determined to leave the user target and create content that is completely targeted to the search engine, penalties are applied by the search engine. The result is that the website is thrown into the background or deleted. When the search engine doesn’t catch bots, Google makes manual detections from complaint pages.

Hit: The size of the website is determined according to the number of daily visitors. Google analytics tool is the major counter. According to the number of visitors, your website goes up.

Spider: Search engines are one of the bots. This bot reflects the results obtained by visiting the website in unspecified time frames to Google search results. Most importantly, it controls the update frequency of the website.

Broken Link: It is called as links that do not open or are incorrect within the website. It is strictly not recommended to use. You should clean your website periodically from broken links that consist of online or offline sources.

Meta Tag : There are various information tags on the website. The main topics include the description of the site, its keywords, geographical information, author and software version of the site. In case of misuse, the site is likely to fall into spam. The most important of meta tags is descript. Character length should not exceed 160 characters. There must be a separate description in each link within the website. It has to be original and natural content in terms of SEO.

<meta name=”descriptioncontent=”Şanlıurfa Oto Kurtarma firması olarak 7/24 gece gündüz demeden değerli şanlıurfalı halkımıza hizmet vermekten büyük mutluluk duymaktayız.“>

Keywrod : The keyword is very important within the website. Titles, subtags, titles are the names given to the texts written.

Alt tag : The importance of this tag is that search engines cannot detect the images on your website. Therefore, it is very important to use alt tags in the pictures. Google bots can detect images according to these subtags and move your website to the top.

Robots.txt : Search engine bots manage access states within the site. The lack of access to the admin page by Google performs this restriction due to robots.txt request.

Sitemap : It is called mapping the site and creating an xml file. Search engine bots help index the site.

Heading tags : The texts that the <h1> <h2> tags used in the articles have a certain hierarchical structure within the website is very important for seo. These tags should be used regularly in subject titles and subtitles.

CSS Files: It is called the code structure where the site is used visually. Calling external sources within CSS web pages is important for SEO. It can also provide a direct impact on the speed of the site to compress CSS files.

Java Script Files: It is the code blocks that make the website work interactively. It is recommended to call from external sources such as CSS files.

About Onur Cirkin

I work as a data warehouse specialist. I have 3 years of experience oracle business intelligence, oracle data integrator, tableau. I have 2 years of experience oracle data migration and also continues. I also work on python machine learning. I am currently continue my graduate education. If you want to ask any question. You can send me mail address [email protected]

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