Oracle ODA X6-2M Bare Metal Installation and Oracle Database Appliance Deployment

I would like to share Oracle ODA Bare Metal installation for X6-2M and deployment Oracle Database appliance. Why would we want to install something which is already preinstalled.

Oracle Database Appliances are mostly preinstalled with an old firmware version.  I do not recommend most of the time for the latest version for some softwares but in this ODA Machine cases, It has many bugs and these bugs can be a nightmare.

Thats why I strongly recommend you  to deploy ODA with the latest firmware.

This post will be a roadmap for many ODA versions. Because It is logically same for all ODA versions.

KVM feature will be in another blog post soon.

Here is a useful template to get all the information you need before you start to deployment.


Appliance InformationSystem InformationDisk Group Information
Platform:ODA X6-2 M

Data Disk Count:2

CPU Core Count:20

Created: Fri Jun 30 2017 11:39:56 AM


Host Name:node1


Time Zone:Europe/Istanbul

DB Edition:EE

DNS Servers:

NTP Servers:

Name Redundancy Percentage



Database Information


DB Version:



NLS Characterset:AL16UTF16




Home Location: /u01/app/oracle/product/

IP Information
Client Network

IP :

Mask :

Gateway :

ILOM Network

IP :

Mask :

Gateway :

Additional Network:

IP :

Mask :

Gateway :

Planning Oracle Database Appliance Configuration Options

Oracle Database Appliance X6-2S , X6-2M and X6-2 L (Doc ID 2144642.1)

Oracle Database Appliance X6-2M deliver with O/S installed as I mentioned before. Here is the first thing you need to check before going into bare metal installation is really necessary. Because according to this information, you need to download GI ( Grid ) and RDBMS clone templates

ps -ef |grep dcs

root 3426 1 0 Jun29 ? 00:00:30 java -jar /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/dcs-controller- server /opt/oracle/dcs/conf/dcs-controller.json

Required Files

ODA O/S is delivered with old version, so we need to re-imaged our ODA X6-2M. It is always better to re-image with the latest version.

We downloaded three files according to our requirements, First we need to download O/S file (Patch 23530609 ) to re-image then we will download “ GI” (Patch 23494985) and “ RDBMS” (Patch 23494997) clone templates. You can use the below table and (Doc ID 2144642.1)

Patch #DescriptionDetails
1.Patch 24391174ORACLE DATABASE APPLIANCE X6-2 S AND X6-2 M DCSIMAGE This Patch is applicable only required while upgrading from to any of the later versions
2Patch 25499206ODA X6-2 : SERVER PATCH BUNDLE FOR ODA X6-2 S, X6-2 M AND X6-2 L This file contains the latest patches for DCS Agent, DCS Controller, OAK , GI and  RDBMS 12.1 and 11.2 homes
3Patch 23494985ORACLE DATABASE APPLIANCE X6-2 S , X6-2 M AND X6-2 L GI Clone This file is required to initial deployment of the Oracle Database Appliance X6-2S/X6-2 M stack.
4Patch 23494992ORACLE DATABASE APPLIANCE X6-2 S , X6-2 M AND X6-2 L RDBMS Clone Oracle RDBMS Software Clone file for creating any new 12.1 database homes.
5Patch 23494997ORACLE DATABASE APPLIANCE X6-2 S ,X6-2 M AND X6-2 L RDBMS Clone
(This is same as version. There is no new bundle for
 Oracle  RDBMS Software Clone file for creating any new 11.2 database homes.
6Patch 23530609ORACLE DATABASE APPLIANCE X6-2 S and X6-2 M, X6-2 L  12.1.2.xx.xx OS ISO IMAGE Factory Image. This patch is required only in cases when the machine needs to be re-imaged

Deployment Oracle Database Appliance Steps

  1. Configure ILOM
  2. Configure Boot Device and re-image
  3. Configure FirstNet
  4. Connect via Firstnet and download GI, RDBMS Clone Templates
  5. Update Repository
  6. Create Appliance and Database

1-Configure ILOM

  1. During boot press F2 to enter setup
  2. Set IPv4 Configuration to Static in Advanced menu
  3. Enter IP informations and commit

2-Configure Boot Device to Re-Image

ODA Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal Restore Procedure X5-2 and X6-2 (Doc ID 1373599.1)

Default Username : oda-admin

Password : password

  • Launch Remote Console System Information > Summary

  • Select KVMS > Storage

  • Click add and select your iso file
  • Select that file and click connect
  • Host Management > Select CD-ROM in the settings > Save

  • Host Management > Power Control > Select Power Cycle and Save it.

  • Reboot ODA, It should automatically boot from image file

3-Configure FirstNet

  • After successfully imaged ODA, Login to oda

User : root

Password : password

  • Enter command and information for the firstnet


Select the Interface to configure the network on (btbond1 sfpbond1): btbond1

Configure DHCP on btbond1 (yes/no): no

INFO: You have chosen Static configuration

Enter the IP address to configure:

Enter the Netmask address to configure:

Enter the Gateway address to configure:

INFO: Plumbing the IPs now

INFO: Restarting the network

Shutting down interface btbond1:

4-Connect via Firstnet and download GI, RDBMS Clone Templates

Note : Be careful for the release version. Release version should be the same with version we re-imaged ODA

5-Update Image

  1. Update image with command below

update-image –image-file /tmp/download/,/tmp/download/

6-Create Appliance and Database

  • Connect to the Management Interface of ODA

On Appliance Menu > Create Appliance

  • Fill in all the information as provided at the beginning of this document. Information
  • After you created the appliance you can see, what are created automatically.



Do you want to learn Oracle Database for Beginners, then read the following articles.

About Cihan Gedik

I am currently working as Senior Oracle Application Database Administrator. I have experienced many EBS database upgrade, migrations, Fresh EBS installations, Solaris to Linux, Windows to Linux replatform migration projects in medium and large companies and also experienced core database migration projects for one of the biggest bank of Katar.With my colleagues we decided to run this platform to share our knowledge

One comment

  1. Hi Cihan, really interesting and informative post, I have one Oracle Server X6-2M, it was assigned to me, but it has linux on it, and can’t find the Hardware Support Identifier (SI), Is there any other way to get the bare metal restore file?

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