I got ” ORA-01668: standby database requires DROP option for offline of data file ” error in Oracle database.
ORA-01668: standby database requires DROP option for offline of data file
Details of error are as follows.
ORA-01668::standby database requires DROP option for offline of data file CAUSE:Attempting to take a datafile offline in a standby database without specifying the DROP option. Files that are offline in a standby database are not recovered, and are likely to be unusable if the standby is activated. Note that specifying DROP does not prevent bringing the file online later. ACTION:Specify the DROP option or leave the file online.
This ORA-01668 error is related with the datafile offline in a standby database without specifying the DROP option. Files that are offline in a standby database are not recovered, and are likely to be unusable if the standby is activated. Note that specifying DROP does not prevent bringing the file online later.
To solve this error, you need to Specify the DROP option or leave the file online.
alter database datafile FILE_ID# offline drop; alter database datafile 1453 offline drop;
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