MySQL InnoDB Cluster with MySQL Shell MySQL Router using just Docker containers

Setting up MySQL InnoDB Cluster with MySQL Shell (plus MySQL Router) using just Docker containers.
MySQL InnoDB cluster provides a complete high availability solution for MySQL. Each MySQL server instance runs MySQL Group Replication, which provides the mechanism to replicate data within InnoDB clusters, with built-in failover.


MySQL Shell
MySQL server min 3 servers
Mysql Router as a loadbalancer

rpm -ivh mysql80-community-release-el7-3.noarch.rpm
yum install mysql-shell -y

Install MysqlRouter only on the application server from yum repo.

yum install mysql-shell -y

sudo yum install mysql-router -y

mysqlsh –uri root@localhost

Do this on all instance

provide password



\c innodbcluster@mysql2:3306
var mycls= dba.createCluster(‘MUGHEES_CLS’)

On First Prmry:


On Router server:
mysqlrouter –bootstrap MUGHEES_CLS@mysql1 -d myrouter_idc –account=myrouter

mysqlrouter –bootstrap MUGHEES_CLS@mysql1 –user mysqlrouter

##############Servers: mysql1:####################

CREATE USER ‘myadmin’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘Strong_Password1!’
Grant all privileges on *.* to myadmin’@’%’ with grant option;

mysqlsh –uri root@localhost

select @@hostname;
CREATE DATABASE schoool;USE schoool;
CREATE TABLE if not exists schoool.student(stndid int primary key auto_increment,stdname varchar(100),phone int,classid int);
INSERT schoool.student(stdname,phone,classid) values(‘Aslam’,123456977,7);INSERT schoool.student(stdname,phone,classid) values(‘Mughees’,123456977,8);
INSERT schoool.student(stdname,phone,classid) values(‘Ahmed’,123456977,9);
SELECT * FROM schoool.student;

select @@hostname;

####################Servers: mysq12####################

mysqlsh root@localhost

select @@hostname

SELECT * FROM schoool.student;


About Mughees Ahmed

Over 2-year experience of Administration in Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL databases using various tools and technologies. Keen on learning new database technologies having very good analytical skills. Working knowledge of Red Hat Linux, UNIX, Solaris and Windows Server 2012 is a valuable addition to my knowledge desk. KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS • Oracle Database Server 10g/11g/12c. • Oracle RAC, Data guard. • Oracle Golden Gate (Oracle to Oracle, Oracle to MySQL and MySQL to Oracle) • Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control, Toad, SQL developer. • SQL Server 2005/2008/2012/2016. • SQL Server Failover clustering, mirroring & log shipping, Always On availability groups. • MySQL 5 Administration, MySQL Workbench, MySQL Enterprise Monitor, SQLyog • MySQL NDB Cluster Installation,Administration. • MySQL Asynchronous/Semi-synchronous replication. • Oracle OEM Contact me on [email protected]

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