JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is very popular standard for exchanging data specially in REST API. Almost all modern websites, android or iOS app use this for exchanging data with server. From SQL Server 2016, Microsoft extends its support for JSON through couple of built-in functions. This way SQL Server supports NOSQL features in traditional relational databases. Let’s examine it:
- ISJSON – examines a string whether a valid JSON or not
- JSON_VALUE – retrieves value from a JSON string
- JSON_QUERY – fetches object or array from a JSON string
- JSON_MODIFY – returns the updated JSON string
- OPENJSON – parses JSON text and returns objects and properties from the JSON input as rows and columns
- FOR JSON Clause – exports SQL data to JSON format
ISJSON Function
DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @json = N'{ "info":[ { "id":"1", "name":"Robert Aragon", "ssn":"489-36-8350", "credit_card":[ "4929-3813-3266-4295", "5370-4638-8881-3020" ], "address":{ "town":"Avon", "area":"New York", "zipcode":"76148" } }, { "id":"2", "name":"Thomas Conley", "ssn":"690-05-5315", "credit_card":[ "5299-1561-5689-1938" ], "address":{ "town":"Jackson Street", "area":"New York", "zipcode":"80233" } }, { "id":"3", "name":"Susan Davis", "ssn":"421-37-1396", "credit_card":[ "5293-8502-0071-3058" ], "address":{ "town":"Rock Beach", "area":"Los angeles", "zipcode":"900341" } }, { "id":"4", "name":"Christopher Diaz", "ssn":"458-02-6124", "credit_card":[ "5548-0246-6336-5664" ], "address":{ "town":"Small town", "area":"Wasshington", "zipcode":"63126" } }, { "id":"5", "name":"Rick Edwards", "ssn":"612-20-6832", "credit_card":[ "4539-5385-7425-5825" ], "address":{ "town":"Free Town", "area":"Utah", "zipcode":"97222" } }, { "id":"6", "name":"Victor Faulkner", "ssn":"300-62-3266", "credit_card":[ "4916-9766-5240-6147", "4532-4220-6922-9909", "5218-0144-2703-9266" ], "address":{ "town":"Dakota", "area":"North Dakota", "zipcode":"92104" } } ] } '; SELECT ISJSON(@json);
1 -- 1 if it is a valid JSON otherwise 0
This function is used to retrieve a scalar value from a JSON string. It’s syntax is
JSON_VALUE(expression, path)
expression is the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text and is the property to extract. For example, running the below statement on the above JSON string will yield below output :
SELECT JSON_VALUE(@json, '$.info[3].credit_card[0]')
The JSON_VALUE function returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000) . It returns null if specified path is not found in the JSON object or value is beyond nvarchar(4000). Using ‘strict‘ keyword before the path will throw the error if specified path is not available in JSON object.
The JSON_QUERY(expression [,path]) function takes the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text and the JSON path that specifies the object or the array to extract as its arguments.
It returns a JSON fragment of type nvarchar(max). Like the JSON_VALUE function returns null if specified value is not an object or an array. Using ‘strict’ keyword will throw the error.
It updates the value of a property in a JSON string and returns the updated JSON string. It takes expression, path, and new as arguments. Using this function, we can do below operation on a JSON string:
- Update
- Insert
- Delete
- Append
1. Update
Updates the value of a given path.
SELECT JSON_MODIFY(@json,'$.info[0].name', 'Mehedi')
2. Insert
New value is added in JSON string if the attribute in the provided path does not exist. Otherwise it will update the existing value as per above example. The new attribute is added at the end of the JSON.
SELECT JSON_MODIFY(@json,'$.info[0].last_name', 'Mehedi')
3. Delete
Putting the NULL value in the path will just remove it.
SELECT JSON_MODIFY(@json,'$.info[0].name', NULL)
4. Append
New element can be appended in array like below:
SELECT JSON_MODIFY(@json,'append $.info[0].credit_card','4539-5385-7425-5825')
This is a table-valued function that parses JSON text and returns objects and properties from the JSON input as rows and columns.
DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @json = N'{"id":"1", "name": "Robert Aragon", "ssn": "489-36-8350", "credit_card":["4929-3813-3266-4295","5370-4638-8881-3020"], "address": {"town": "Avon", "area": "New York", "zipcode": "76148"}}'; SELECT * FROM OpenJson(@json) with ( id int '$.id', name varchar(50) '$.name', ssn varchar(50) '$.ssn', [credit_card] nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON, [address] nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON )
This clause is widely used with TSQL for exporting SQL table data to JSON format. It has two variants:
- AUTO – Default JSON output is generated using AUTO option.
- PATH – The structure of JSON can be modified by the column name or aliases using PATH option
IF OBJECT_ID('Test1', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE Test1; GO -- Create the table CREATE TABLE Test1( pk_id int not null identity(1,1), name varchar(10) default ('Mehedi') ) GO -- Populate with 3 sample data INSERT INTO Test1 default values GO 2 IF OBJECT_ID('Test2', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE Test2; GO -- Create the table CREATE TABLE Test2( pk_id int not null identity(1,1), area varchar(10) default ('Dhanmondi'), city varchar(10) default ('Dhaka') ) GO -- Populate with 3 sample data INSERT INTO Test2 default values GO 1 -- Example of AUTO SELECT A.pk_id, A.name, (SELECT pk_id, area, city FROM Test2 B WHERE A.pk_id = B.pk_id FOR JSON AUTO ) as test2 FROM Test1 A FOR JSON AUTO -- Example of PATH SELECT A.pk_id, A.name, (SELECT pk_id as id, area, city FROM Test2 B WHERE A.pk_id = B.pk_id FOR JSON AUTO ) as test2 FROM Test1 A FOR JSON PATH , ROOT ('EmployeeInfo') GO
This is all about the JSON in SQL Server. Happy TSQLing!
This article is taken from my blog.