Sometimes You can get “ORA-44203: timeout waiting for lock on cursor ” error.
Details of error are as follows.
ORA-44203: timeout waiting for lock on cursor
Cause: A timeout occured while waiting for a cursor to be compiled. This is usually caused by the SQL parse
requiring access to system resources which are locked by concurrently executing sessions.
Action: Investigate possible causes of resource contention. If neccessary, contact support for additional
information on how to diagnose this problem. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reserving 44301 – 44320 for DBMS_SERVICES errors ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
This error is related with the Bug 14615315 which was identified as a duplicate of Bug 13827380.
To solve this error, Apply patch for Bug 13827380.
Or Use one of following workarounds:
Disable the actions of bug 8580882 using a _fix_control parameter as follows.
alter session set "_fix_control" = '8580883:off';
Disable complex view merging as follows.
alter session set "_complex_view_merging"=false;
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