OGG-00664 OCI Error ORA-26804: Apply “OGG$R” is disabled

I got OGG-00664 OCI Error ORA-26804: Apply “OGG$R” is disabled on Goldengate while running Replicat.


OGG-00664 OCI Error ORA-26804: Apply “OGG$R” is disabled

Details of error are as follows.


ThreadBacktrace : [20] elements
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/libgglog.so(CMessageContext::AddThreadContext())]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/libgglog.so(CMessageFactory::CreateMessage(CSourceContext*, unsigned int, ...))]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/libgglog.so(_MSG_Int32_String_String(CSourceContext*, int, int, char const*, char const*, CMess
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(IRLCR_commit_transaction(long, IR_LCR_ctx*))]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(odbc_commit_transaction())]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::er::ReplicatContext::commitAndCheckpoint(short, bool&, RepCsn&))]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ClassicWorker::CommitAndCheckpoint(short))]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::er::OraReplicatContext::endTransaction(short, bool) const)]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::er::ERContext::skipThisRecord(ggs::gglib::gglcr::CommonLCR const*, transInfoParms
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::er::ReplicatContext::run())]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::gglib::MultiThreading::MainThread::ExecMain())]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::gglib::MultiThreading::Thread::RunThread(ggs::gglib::MultiThreading::Thread::Thre
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::gglib::MultiThreading::MainThread::Run(int, char**))]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(main)]
: [/lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main)]
: [/ggateb01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]

2021-03-03 10:27:59 ERROR OGG-00664 OCI Error ORA-26804: Apply "OGG$RSP06INT" is disabled. (status = 26804-Sending commit command to database inbound server, 'OGG$




status = 26804-Sending commit command to database inbound server, ‘OGG$

The problem is with the fact that the GoldenGate version being currently used is not certified for version 12.2


Goldengate Download

GoldenGate release can be used instead.

It’s available on our download site;


The documentation is available in the following link;



To solve this error, Use GoldenGate release 12.3 or;  Perform a backup of your database before you raise the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter (optional).

NOTE: Raising the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter may cause your database to become incompatible with earlier releases of the Oracle Database, and a backup ensures that you can return to the earlier release if necessary.

See Also:

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Basics for more information about performing a backup

If you are using a server parameter file, then complete the following steps:

Update the server parameter file to set or change the value of the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter.

For example, to set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter to 12.1.0, issue the following statement:


Shut down and restart the instance.

If you are using an initialization parameter file, then complete the following steps:

Shut down the instance if it is running:


Edit the initialization parameter file to set or change the value of the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter.

For example, to set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter to 12.1.0, enter the following in the initialization parameter file:

  COMPATIBLE = 12.1.0

Start the instance using STARTUP.

You might want to try this in a test environment first




Other Case is as follows.

Replicat process is abended with the following errors.

GGSCI (goldendp01) 83> info REPMSD01

REPLICAT REPMSD01 Last Started 2021-07-24 17:28 Status ABENDED
Checkpoint Lag 15:00:13 (updated 00:02:09 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint File /u01/msdb8_19c/e4000001165
2021-07-24 02:28:49.000000 RBA 738733280

GGSCI (goldendp01) 84>

Source Context :
SourceModule : [ggdb.ora.ocicpp.orarepconn]
SourceID : [../gglib/ggdbora/ocicpp/ORARepConnection.cpp]
SourceMethod : [tryOciCall]
SourceLine : [830]
ThreadBacktrace : [18] elements
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/libgglog.so(CMessageContext::AddThreadContext())]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/libgglog.so(CMessageFactory::CreateMessage(CSourceContext*, unsigned int, ...))]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/libgglog.so(_MSG_Int32_String_String(CSourceContext*, int, int, char const*, char const*, CMess
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(IROCI_flush_call(ggs::gglib::ggocicpp::ORARepConnection&))]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::er::ReplicatContext::commitAndCheckpoint(short, bool&, RepCsn&))]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ClassicWorker::CommitAndCheckpoint(short))]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::er::OraReplicatContext::endTransaction(short, bool) const)]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::er::ReplicatContext::processReplicatLoop())]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::er::ReplicatContext::run())]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::gglib::MultiThreading::MainThread::ExecMain())]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::gglib::MultiThreading::Thread::RunThread(ggs::gglib::MultiThreading::Thread::Thre
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(ggs::gglib::MultiThreading::MainThread::Run(int, char**))]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat(main)]
: [/lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main)]
: [/u01/goldengate/product/GG19cFor18cDB/replicat()]

2021-07-24 17:25:11 ERROR OGG-00664 OCI Error ORA-26804: Apply "OGG$REPMSD01" is disabled. (status = 26804-Flushing database inbound server, 'OGG$REPMSD01').

2021-07-24 17:25:11 WARNING OGG-02531 Inbound server OGG$REPMSD01 error status ORA-26,808:ORA-26808: Apply process AS2O died unexpectedly.
ORA-01801: date format is too long for internal buffer.

* ** Run Time Statistics ** *

Last record for the last committed transaction is the following: 
Trail name : /u01/msdb8_19c/e4000001165
Hdr-Ind : E (x45) Partition : . (x0c) 
UndoFlag : . (x00) BeforeAfter: A (x41) 
RecLength : 272 (x0110) IO Time : 2021-07-24 03:52:15.000000
IOType : 134 (x86) OrigNode : 255 (xff)
TransInd : . (x02) FormatType : R (x52)
SyskeyLen : 0 (x00) Incomplete : . (x00)
AuditRBA : 101261 AuditPos : 1639399836
Continued : N (x00) RecCount : 1 (x01)

2021-07-24 03:52:15.000000 UnifiedUpdate Len 272 RBA 857259140
TDR Index: 1



I have deleted and added replicat process again ( recreate replicat process ) as follows,  it has worked and problem has been solved.


GGSCI (msdbadm01 as GGS_ADMIN19C@MSDB1) 114> delete REPMSD01
2021-07-24 17:47:28 INFO OGG-02529 Successfully unregistered REPLICAT REPMSD01 inbound server OGG$REPMSD01 from database.


GGSCI (msdbadm01 as GGS_ADMIN19C@MSDB1) 7> alter REPMSD01 extseqno 1165 extrba 738733280

2021-07-24 17:49:33 INFO OGG-06594 Replicat REPMSD01 has been altered. Even the start up position might be updated, duplicate suppression remains active in next startup. To override duplicate suppression, start REPMSD01 with NOFILTERDUPTRANSACTIONS option.

REPLICAT altered.

GGSCI (msdbadm01 as GGS_ADMIN19C@MSDB1) 8> start REPMSD01

Sending START request to MANAGER ...

GGSCI (msdbadm01 as GGS_ADMIN19C@MSDB1) 10> info REPMSD01

REPLICAT REPMSD01 Last Started 2021-07-24 17:49 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 15:10:22 (updated 00:00:00 ago)
Process ID 116088
Log Read Checkpoint File /u01/msdb/e4000001165
2021-07-24 02:39:23.000000 RBA 764489089

GGSCI (msdbadm01 as GGS_ADMIN19C@MSDB1) 21> !
info REPMSD01

REPLICAT REPMSD01 Last Started 2021-07-24 17:49 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 05:55:36 (updated 00:00:00 ago)
Process ID 116088
Log Read Checkpoint File /u01/msdb/e4000001166
2021-07-24 11:55:42.000000 RBA 382309644

GGSCI (msdbadm01 as GGS_ADMIN19C@MSDB1) 22> ! 
info REPMSD01

REPLICAT REPMSD01 Last Started 2021-07-24 17:49 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:00 ago)
Process ID 116088
Log Read Checkpoint File /u01/msdb/e4000001166
2021-07-24 17:57:08.000000 RBA 827291820



Do you want to learn Oracle Goldengate from scratch, then read the following Goldengate Tutorial articles.

Oracle Goldengate Tutorials for Beginners

About Mehmet Salih Deveci

I am Founder of SysDBASoft IT and IT Tutorial and Certified Expert about Oracle & SQL Server database, Goldengate, Exadata Machine, Oracle Database Appliance administrator with 10+years experience.I have OCA, OCP, OCE RAC Expert Certificates I have worked 100+ Banking, Insurance, Finance, Telco and etc. clients as a Consultant, Insource or Outsource.I have done 200+ Operations in this clients such as Exadata Installation & PoC & Migration & Upgrade, Oracle & SQL Server Database Upgrade, Oracle RAC Installation, SQL Server AlwaysOn Installation, Database Migration, Disaster Recovery, Backup Restore, Performance Tuning, Periodic Healthchecks.I have done 2000+ Table replication with Goldengate or SQL Server Replication tool for DWH Databases in many clients.If you need Oracle DBA, SQL Server DBA, APPS DBA,  Exadata, Goldengate, EBS Consultancy and Training you can send my email adress [email protected].-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -Oracle DBA, SQL Server DBA, APPS DBA,  Exadata, Goldengate, EBS ve linux Danışmanlık ve Eğitim için  [email protected] a mail atabilirsiniz.

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