I got ” ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ” error in Oracle.
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
Details of error are as follows.
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (string) Cause: An attempt was made to insert a NULL into the column "USER"."TABLE"."COLUMN". For example, if you enter: connect scott/tiger create table a (a1 number not null); insert into a values (null); Oracle returns: ORA-01400 cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."A"."A1") : which means you cannot insert NULL into "SCOTT"."A"."A1". Action: Retry the operation with a value other than NULL To see if a table allows NULL values, use tthe SQL*Plus desc command on the table name:
cannot insert NULL into
This ORA-01400 errors are related with the NULL value for the not null or primary key columns.
For example; I have created test table and id column has NOT NULL constraint as follows.
CREATE TABLE ora_1400_error ( id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR2(100) );
When you insert any NULL value, you will get this error.
INSERT INTO ora_1400_error (id, name) VALUES (NULL, 'Ora-01400 error'); ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ID
You need to insert any not null value to this column as follows.
INSERT INTO ora_1400_error (id, name) VALUES (1400, 'Ora-01400 error');
Or you can drop or disable this NOT NULL Constraint to solve this error.
You can find the constraint of table as follows.
SQL> select a.constraint_name, b.status from user_cons_columns a inner join user_constraints b on a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name where a.table_name = 'ORA_1400_ERROR' and a.column_name = 'ID'; CONSTRAINT_NAME STATUS ------------------------- -------- SYS_C006334 ENABLED
You can disable the constraint as follows.
SQL> alter table ORA_1400_ERROR disable constraint SYS_C006334 ; Table altered.
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