I got “ORA-01756: Quoted String Not Properly Terminated ” error in Oracle database.
ORA-01756: Quoted String Not Properly Terminated
Details of error are as follows.
ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated Cause: You tried to execute a statement that contained a string that was not surrounded by two single quotes. One of the quotes was entered without the second accompanying quote. Action: Rewrite the statement so that the string is surrounded by two single quotes
Quoted String Not Properly Terminated
This ORA-01756 errors are related with the statement that contained a string that was not surrounded by two single quotes. One of the quotes was entered without the second accompanying quote.
To solve this error, you need to Rewrite the statement so that the string is surrounded by two single quotes.
Following example has only 1 ‘ quotes as follows, so it will get the same error.
SELECT id, name FROM customers WHERE name = 'MEHMET;
Use 2 ‘ ‘ quotes as follows to solve this error.
SELECT id, name FROM customers WHERE name = 'MEHMET';
Don’t forget using two single quotes in your SQL Statements.
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