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TNS-12561: TNS unknown error


Sometimes You can get “TNS-12561: TNS:unknown error ” error.


Details of error are as follows.

TNS-12561: TNS:unknown error
Cause: A generic protocol error occurred.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.




1. If there is connectivity with SSL via the TNS Listener to the Database locally, this indicates something on the “AWS” side is at fault.

2. If a program is scanning the Listener, it should not be making connection attempts or pings as a non-Oracle (Listener) user.


1. Check with the AWS (Amazon) technical vendor as to what may be wrong.

2. Make sure non-Oracle Client programs or processes are attempting to ping or “connect” to a secure Listener.
As a reference for fault finding any “<unknown connect data>” listener log entries, see the following:
Listener Log Intermittently Reports: <unknown connect data> and either * 12537 or * 12569 errors (Doc ID 1664901.1)


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