Sometimes You can get “TNS-12534: TNS:operation not supported ” error.
Details of error are as follows.
TNS-12534: TNS:operation not supported
This error is related with incorrect syntax or spaces or closing bracket.
Password authentication (sqlplus <user>/<password>@<TNS alias>) works fine from client machine.
The same <user>, <password>, <TNS alias> credentials were stored in the Secure External Password Store Wallet file.
But the connection using External Password Store Wallet (sqlplus /@<TNS alias>) errors out every time with ‘ORA-12534: TNS:operation not supported’
Wallet configuration was correct according to the document (Doc ID 340559.1)
Upon research, it was found that the OS user setup was different and was not having same permission and group as was needed.
Once corrected, this worked fine.
Check the /etc/passwd file for the OS user details and make sure the user is setup correctly.
Also check the /etc/group file for the user group details.
You will also need to check your environment variables if that is set correctly, if not explicitly set the correct values and then try to connect again.
set ORACLE_HOME=<appropriate value> set ORACLE_SID=<appropriate value> set TNS_ADMIN=<appropriate value> export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1 export ORACLE_SID=MSDB export TNS_ADMIN=/u01/app/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin
Try connecting again
sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
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