Sometimes You can get “TNS-01192: Missing SID_LIST_ value left of equation for SID description in LISTENER.ORA ” error.
Details of error are as follows.
TNS-01192: Missing SID_LIST_ value left of equation for SID description in LISTENER.ORA
TNS-01192: Missing SID_LIST_ value left of equation for SID description in LISTENER.ORA
There are parenthesis up against the far left margin in the listener.ora file for a SID_LIST_<listener_name> portion of a listener configuration. The SID_LIST_<listener_name> that is syntactically incorrect may not be attached to the listener that fails to start. In other words, the SID_LIST belonging to a different listener configuration can cause the lsnrctl start <listener_name> to fail for any or all listeners in the listener.ora file.
The lsnrctl utility parses the entire file and fails to parse the incorrectly formed SID_LIST.
It will be necessary to review the entire listener.ora file for misplaced parenthesis in order to troubleshoot this issue.
Check the entire listener.ora file for parenthesis that are placed up against the far left margin for all the SID_LIST configurations within the file.
Insert a space, not a TAB, between the far left margin and the opening parenthesis.
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