Sometimes You can get “TNS-00583: Valid node checking: unable to parse configuration parameters ” error.
Details of error are as follows.
TNS-00583: Valid node checking: unable to parse configuration parameters
during lsnrctl start
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00583: Valid node checking: unable to parse configuration parameters
To implement a possible solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Backup the existing files in the Oracle Home/network/admin location by renaming them from .ora to .org
2. Create a new Listener.ora file using NetManager or Net Configuration Assistant GUI utility.
2.a. Launch the tool.
Net Manager can be located under:
Start –> Programs–> Oracle_home–> Configuration and Migration Tools
Unix Based:
$ netmgr
2.b. Add the listener.
– Expand ‘Local’ in the left pane
– Click the ‘listeners’ , press the green ‘+’ on the left pane which will invoke a wizard to add the listener.
– Provide the details of the listener in the wizard.
3. Create a new Sqlnet.ora file in the same way with one of the Nettools such as NetManager.
– On expanding the ‘Local’ in NetManager’s left pane, click the ‘Profile’.
– On the right hand pane, there would be ‘Naming’ tab.
– Make certain your naming method (TNSNAMES, etc.) is selected
– Also, make certain any ‘General’ or ‘Oracle Advanced Security’ selections are correct
3.a. On the top menu of Net Manager, click on File –> save network Configuration and then exit netmanager.
Or Check listener.ora or sqlnet.ora file contains any special characters and Check if Listener.ora or sqlnet.ora file are in wrong format or syntax.
And check listener.ora or sqlnet.ora file have some left justified parenthesis .
Do you want to learn more details about RMAN, then read the following articles.