You need parallel backup and restore in SQL Server to do fastly.
You can take SQL Server backup 8 parallel with following script. Change database name and path according to your environment.
You should specify parallel count according to your CPU count. I have 8 CPU, so I have taken 8 parallel backup.
I have also used compression, if you have enough free space you don’t need using compression.
BACKUP DATABASE [DEVECI] TO DISK = N'Z:\Full_01.bak', DISK = N'Z:\Full_02.bak', DISK = N'Z:\Full_03.bak', DISK = N'Z:\Full_04.bak', DISK = N'Z:\Full_05.bak', DISK = N'Z:\Full_06.bak', DISK = N'Z:\Full_07.bak', DISK = N'Z:\Full_08.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'DEVECI-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10 GO
I will tell parallel restore in the next post.
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