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SQL Data Types, LOB Data Types in Oracle SQL | Oracle SQL Tutorials -28


I will explain SQL Data Types, LOB Data Types in Oracle SQL in this post of Oracle SQL Tutorial series.

Read the previous post of this tutorial series before this.

SQL Subquery, Nested Queries and In Any All Operator in Subquery in Oracle SQL | Oracle SQL Tutorials -26





Data Types

This part can be a bit boring data types will be examined briefly.

Numeric: Store the numerical values used in arithmetic operations like 0,1,2,3…8,9

Character: The data type that store a character like a,b,c….x,y,z

Boolean: store either True or False value.

Datetime: store the Data type with date and time like 15/07/2020

Number: numeric data is stored. NUMBER (full decimal) like 0,1,2,3…8,9



PLS_INTEGER – BINARY_INTEGER: Unlike Number type, it performs faster arithmetic operations and takes less space.

BINARY_FLOAT – BINARY_DOUBLE: The data type ends with f (5.67f) and ends with d in BINARY_DOUBLE.

VARCHAR2 – NVARCHAR2: Variable is the field in which the alphanumeric or byte data is stored.

TIMESTAMP: stores data of year, day, month, hour, minute and second.



LOB (Large Object) Data Types

Data types are data types that store data that are not of a particular data type (image, image, etc.).

BFILE: Large binary objects that are stored outside the database on the operating system. It cannot exceed 4GB.

BLOB: These are large binary objects that are stored in the database and are 8 to 12TB in size.

CLOB: Character data is in large blogs is 8 to 12TB size.

NCLOB: NLS stores Unicode data of character type. It is 8 to 12TB in size.



Dou want to learn Oracle SQL Tutorial for Beginners, then read the following articles.

Oracle SQL Tutorials For Beginners – Learn Oracle SQL from scratch with Oracle SQL Online Course

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