Using bind variable in the queries is very crucial for performance tuning.
You can look at the following article to find out queries not using bind variables.
You can find out all queries which are not using bind variables object detail with following script.
You will find object detail of queries which is not using bind variables.
With subs as (SELECT /*+ materialize */ m.sql_id, k.*, m.SQL_TEXT, m.SQL_FULLTEXT FROM (SELECT inst_id, parsing_schema_name AS user_name, module, plan_hash_value, COUNT(0) copies, SUM(executions) executions, SUM(round(sharable_mem / (1024 * 1024), 2)) sharable_mem_mb FROM gv$sqlarea WHERE executions < 5 AND kept_versions = 0 GROUP BY inst_id, parsing_schema_name, module, plan_hash_value HAVING COUNT(0) > 10 ORDER BY COUNT(0) DESC) k LEFT JOIN gv$sqlarea m ON k.plan_hash_value = m.plan_hash_value WHERE k.plan_hash_value > 0) select * from (select sql_id, program_id, program_line#, action, module, service, parsing_schema_name, round(buffer_gets / decode(executions, 0, 1, executions)) buffer_per_Exec, row_number() over(partition by sql_id order by program_id desc, program_line#) lines, decode(program_id, 0, null, owner || '.' || object_name || '(' || program_line# || ')') plsql_procedure from gv$sql a, dba_objects b where a.program_id = b.object_id(+)) t, subs ki where ki.sql_id = t.sql_id and lines = 1;