I got ” ORA-29471: DBMS_SQL access denied” error in Oracle database.
ORA-29471: DBMS_SQL access denied
Details of error are as follows.
ORA-29471: DBMS_SQL access denied *Cause: DBMS_SQL access was denied due to security concerns. *Action: Check the alert log and trace file for more information DECLARE m INTEGER; BEGIN m := dbms_sql.open_cursor(); END; ORA-29471: DBMS_SQL access denied ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1017 ORA-06512: at line 4
DBMS_SQL access denied
This ORA-29471 is related to the DBMS_SQL access was denied due to security concerns.
Check the alert log and trace file for more information.
To solve this error, run the following code.
alter system set "_dbms_sql_security_level" = 384 scope=spfile sid='*';
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