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ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables

I got ” ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables ”  error in Oracle database.


ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables


Details of error are as follows.

ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables

Cause: A remote LOB column cannot be referenced.

Action: Remove references to LOBs in remote tables.
SQL> select text from Table@DBlink;
select text from Table@DBlink
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables



cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables

This ORA-22992 errors are related with the remote LOB column cannot be referenced.

Remove references to LOBs in remote tables.

<>The following test case should explain more details about the issue, it assumes that we have two databases A, B both are running :

— On the target, instance B in our example :

conn user/pass 
create table tab1(col1 number, col2 clob); 
insert into tab1 values(101,'This is test data'); 
insert into tab1 values(102, 'aims to test the LOB'); 

-- Now on the local instance, A : 

conn user/pass 
create database link link_to_B connect to user  
identified by pass using 'B'; -- B is the TNS alias of Database B 

select * from test@torem; 

ERROR at line 1: 
ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables 

--The same issue will occur even if we have used PLSQL block : 

set serveroutput on 

var1 varchar(6000); 
SELECT col2 INTO var1 FROM tab1@link_B where col1=101; 
ERROR at line 4: 
ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables 

The workaround is not to select LOB data over the database link, but instead convert it on the remote site first.

Solution one:

–On remote (B) :
create or replace function lobconverter(lobin in clob) return varchar2 is
  Result varchar2(5000);
end lobconverter;

— Now we need to ensure that this function is being called on the remote site to achieve that we can simply create a view like the following :

create view testv as select col,lobconverter(col2) col2 from tab1;

-- on the local database A :

-- Instead of selecting from the table, simply select from the view :

select * from tab1@link_to_b;

This is test data

aims to test the LOB

-Solution 2


— On database B create procedure to run the select statement :

        var1        varchar2(1000);
        SELECT col2 INTO var1 FROM tab1
            WHERE rownum <2;

-- you can add different condition,
-- or even you can add loob to select all the data in the table.

        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Col2: ' || var1);

--Then on the local database call the procedure as the follwoing :

SQL> set serveroutput on ;
SQL> exec lobconverterproc @Link_to_B ;

Col2: This is test data

- Solution 3:

Create the function on the target as before and create synonym for it on the local as follows:

-- On target B:
-- 1. create the same lobconverter function as before.

-- On local A:
create synonym lobconverter for lobconverter@Link_to_B;

-- now just select :
SQL> select col1, lobconverter(col2) from test@link_to_B;

This is test data

aims to test the LOB

The above examples provides three different solutions  which depends on the same concept, convert to varchar2 on the remote side first.

The following part shows how we can achieve the same target using the new feature available on 10.2 :

10gR2 to 12cR1:

The following documentation shows how exactly the restriction of LOBs over db links has been removed. Click here

With same testcase scenario as above on 10gr2  we need to execute the following without creating any objects on B :

— On A :

var1 varchar(5000);
SELECT col2 INTO var1 FROM tab1@link_to_b where col2=101;

The above examples could be combined in any other structures as per customer’s requirement

Note :
All the above examples assumes that the LOB data is CLOB, the same concepts are valid in case of BLOB.
The only difference is that we will need a variable with data type RAW to carry the LOB data .
After the conversion with CLOB  we could use  VARCHAR2 like the following :

var2 raw(50);
SELECT col2 INTO var2 FROM tab2@link_to_b where id=101;
---> Tab2 is the same structure like tab1 but with BLOB instead of the CLOB.



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