I got ” ORA-19693: backup piece XXX already included ” error in the Oracle database.
ORA-19693: backup piece XXX already included
Details of error are as follows.
ORA-19693: backup piece /backup/B_0MIB4K5G_1_1 already included
This backup piece was already specified for inclusion in the restore conversation. A restore conversation may process only a single instance of a backup piece.
Remove the specified duplicate backup piece in restore steps and restart the conversation.
Directory Names: /backup/ ******** Encounter the following errors when trying to duplicate the database to another server using the RMAN backup: ORA-19693: backup piece /backup/B_0MIB4K5G_1_1 already included ORA-06512: at "SYS.X$DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE", line 5127 RMAN-10031: RPC Error: ORA-19693 occurred during call to DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.RESTORESETPIECE
ORA-19693: backup piece XXX already included
This ORA-19693 errors are related with the backup piece in RMAN Catalog.
The location of the RMAN backup pieces at the target and auxiliary/duplicate databases are different. So, RMAN cannot see the RMAN backup pieces, because they are stored in a different directory at the auxiliary/duplicate database server.
To solve this error, uncatalog the backuppiece and catalog backuppiece again.
Issue the following RMAN commands, as shown in the example below:
RMAN> change backuppiece '/backup/B_VRIB0A1V_1_1' uncatalog; RMAN> catalog backuppiece '/backup/B_VRIB0A1V_1_1';
You may issue the following RMAN commands to catalog the RMAN backup pieces in a single RMAN command:
RMAN> catalog start with '/backup/';
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