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ORA-13841: SQL profile named already exists for a different signature/category pair

I got ” ORA-13841: SQL profile named already exists for a different signature/category pair” error in Oracle database.


ORA-13841: SQL profile named already exists for a different signature/category pair


Details of error are as follows.

Description: SQL profile named string already exists for a different signature/category pair
Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name specified under a different signature/category pair so it cannot be replaced, even with FORCE specified.
Action: Specify a different name or drop the existing SQL profile.



The ORA-13841 error is related with the existing SQL Profile for the different signature/category pair.



To solve this error, you should drop the existing SQL Profile as follows.


Firstly list the existing SQL Profiles.


List the SQL Profiles.

SQL> select * from dba_sql_profiles;

Find your related SQL Profiles, then drop it as follows.


Drop SQL Profile

Then drop the SQL Profile as follows.

DBMS_SQLTUNE.DROP_SQL_PROFILE(name => 'my_sql_profile');





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