I got ” ORA-12840: cannot access a remote table after parallel/insert direct load txn ” error in the Oracle database.
ORA-12840: cannot access a remote table after parallel/insert direct load txn
Details of error are as follows.
SQL> alter package <package_name> compile body; alter package <package_name> compile body ERROR at line 1: ORA-04052: An error occurred while searching for the remote object ORA-00604: An error occurred in level 1 recursive SQL ORA-12840: Can not access a remote table after a load transaction Direct / parallel for insertion
Cause: Within a transaction, an attempt was made to perform distributed access after a PDML or insert direct statement had been issued.
Action: Commit/rollback the PDML transaction first, and then perform the distributed access, or perform the distributed access before the first PDML statement in the transaction.
Can not access a remote table after a load transaction Direct / parallel for insertion
This ORA-12840 errors are related with the APPEND hint.
Although parallel_max_servers=0, there was an append hint used in an insert statement called from a trigger
To solve this error, Remove /*+ APPEND*/ in any insert statements in the package or any trigger that gets executed when the package / procedure gets called.
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