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ORA-01840 input value not long enough for date format

I got ” ORA-01840 input value not long enough for date format ”  error in Oracle database.


ORA-01840 input value not long enough for date format


Details of error are as follows.

ORA-01840 input value not long enough for date format

Cause: The data to be converted to date format was incomplete; the date format picture was longer than the input data.

Action: Either add more input or shorten the date picture format, then retry the operation.



input value not long enough for date format

This ORA-01840 errors are related with the data to be converted to date format was incomplete; the date format picture was longer than the input data.

Either add more input or shorten the date picture format, then retry the operation.

You should use the NLS_DATE_FORMAT in your conversions.

You should check if column data types should be DATE, if all columns of type are not DATE, then you should use the to_date() function. Don’t rely on implicit conversions.


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