I will explain How to Grant and Revoke Privileges in Oracle Database in this post. Let’s review the Grant and Revoke Privileges in Oracle.
Grant and Revoke Privileges in Oracle
There are two Data Control Language Statements ( Grant and Revoke ) in Oracle database that are used to grant privileges on tables, views, sequences, synonyms, procedures to other users or roles.
GRANT is used to grant privileges to Users or Roles.
REVOKE is used to take back privileges from Users or Roles.
There are two types of Priviliges as follows.
- System Privileges
- Object privileges
System Privileges are in the Oracle database as follows.
Privilege | Description |
ADMIN | Enables a user to perform administrative tasks including checkpointing, backups, migration, and user creation and deletion. |
ALTER ANY CACHE GROUP | Enables a user to alter any cache group in the database. |
ALTER ANY INDEX | Enables a user to alter any index in the database. |
ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW | Enables a user to alter any materialized view in the database. |
ALTER ANY PROCEDURE | Enables a user to alter any PL/SQL procedure, function or package in the database. |
ALTER ANY SEQUENCE | Enables a user to alter any sequence in the database. |
ALTER ANY TABLE | Enables a user to alter any table in the database. |
ALTER ANY VIEW | Enables a user to alter any view in the database. |
CACHE_MANAGER | Enables a user to perform operations related to cache groups. |
CREATE ANY CACHE GROUP | Enables a user to create a cache group owned by any user in the database. |
CREATE ANY INDEX | Enables a user to create an index on any table or materialized view in the database. |
CREATE ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW | Enables a user to create a materialized view owned by any user in the database. |
CREATE ANY PROCEDURE | Enables a user to create a PL/SQL procedure, function or package owned by any user in the database. |
CREATE ANY SEQUENCE | Enables a user to create a sequence owned by any user in the database. |
CREATE ANY SYNONYM | Enables a user to create a private synonym owned by any user in the database. |
CREATE ANY TABLE | Enables a user to create a table owned by any user in the database. |
CREATE ANY VIEW | Enables a user to create a view owned by any user in the database. |
CREATE CACHE GROUP | Enables a user to create a cache group owned by that user. |
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW | Enables a user to create a materialized view owned by that user. |
CREATE PROCEDURE | Enables a user to create a PL/SQL procedure, function or package owned by that user. |
CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM | Enables a user to create a public synonym. |
CREATE SEQUENCE | Enables a user to create a sequence owned by that user. |
CREATE SESSION | Enables a user to create a connection to the database. |
CREATE SYNONYM | Enables a user to create a private synonym. |
CREATE TABLE | Enables a user to create a table owned by that user. |
CREATE VIEW | Enables a user to create a view owned by that user. |
DELETE ANY TABLE | Enables a user to delete from any table in the database. |
DROP ANY CACHE GROUP | Enables a user to drop any cache group in the database. |
DROP ANY INDEX | Enables a user to drop any index in the database. |
DROP ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW | Enables a user to drop any materialized view in the database. |
DROP ANY PROCEDURE | Enables a user to drop any PL/SQL procedure, function or package in the database. |
DROP ANY SEQUENCE | Enables a user to drop any sequence in the database. |
DROP ANY SYNONYM | Enables a user to drop a synonym owned by any user in the database. |
DROP ANY TABLE | Enables a user to drop any table in the database. |
DROP ANY VIEW | Enables a user to drop any view in the database. |
DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM | Enables a user to drop a public synonym. |
EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE | Enables a user to execute any PL/SQL procedure, function or package in the database. |
FLUSH ANY CACHE GROUP | Enables a user to flush any cache group in the database. |
INSERT ANY TABLE | Enables a user to insert into any table in the database. It also enables the user to insert into any table using the synonym, public or private, to that table. |
LOAD ANY CACHE GROUP | Enables a user to load any cache group in the database. |
REFRESH ANY CACHE GROUP | Enables a user to flush any cache group in the database. |
SELECT ANY SEQUENCE | Enables a user to select from any sequence or synonym on a sequence in the database. |
SELECT ANY TABLE | Enables a user to select from any table, view, materialized view, or synonym in the database. |
UNLOAD ANY CACHE GROUP | Enables a user to unload any cache group in the database. |
UPDATE ANY TABLE | Enables a user to update any table or synonym in the database. |
XLA | Enables a user to connect to a database as an XLA reader. |
Object Privileges are in the Oracle database as follows.
Privilege | Object type | Description |
DELETE | Table | Enables a user to delete from a table. |
EXECUTE | PL/SQL package, procedure or function | Enables a user to execute a PL/SQL package, procedure or function directly. |
FLUSH | Cache group | Enables a user to flush a cache group. |
INDEX | Table or materialized view | Enables a user to create an index on a table or materialized view. |
INSERT | Table or synonym | Enables a user to insert into a table or into the table through a synonym. |
LOAD | Cache group | Enables a user to load a cache group. |
REFERENCES | Table or materialized view | |
The REFERENCES privilege on a parent table implicitly grants SELECT privilege on the parent table. | ||
REFRESH | Cache group | Enables a user to refresh a cache group. |
SELECT | Table, sequence, view, materialized view, or synonym | Enables a user to select from a table, sequence, view, materialized view, or synonym. |
The SELECT privilege enables a user to perform all operations on a sequence. | ||
A user can be granted the SELECT privilege on a synonym or a view without being explicitly granted the SELECT privilege on the originating table. | ||
UNLOAD | Cache group | Enables a user to unload a cache group. |
UPDATE | Table | Enables a user to update a table. |
SCHEMA in Oracle
Schemas are called database objects aggregated together and Schemas are equal to User in Oracle database. A schema contains tables, procedures, sequences,synonyms, index and database links. Each of users has a schema, each schema has the same name as the user name. When a user is created, the schema with the same name is created.
While schemas logically hold users’ objects, their containers are tablespace.
If you don’t know What is the segments,extents and tablespace, read the following article.
Create User in Oracle
The user is created on the database as follows. A normal user does not have the priviliges to create users on the database.
Basic syntax ;
- DEFAULT TABLESPACE “USERS” specify the user’s permanent storage in tablespace.
- TEMPORARY TABLESPACE “TEMP” specify user’s temporary tablespace.
- PROFILE “DEFAULT” which profile will be included
You can create any user in the database as follows.
SQL> create user mehmetsalih identified by deveci; User created. SQL>
Database Role
Role consist of priviliges and aims to facilitate privilige management and dynamic. You can grant the necessary privileges under a role to users. When the privileges under the role change, this affects all users with that role.
Role creation :
In SQL language, if you want to create a role, the following steps are followed.
CREATE ROLE role_name;
You can assign the role to a user as follows.
GRANT role_name to user_name;
The following roles are already defined automatically for Oracle databases.
Connect and Resource roles should be granted for the new users, if they will use only their schema.
If you grant any user as DBA ( Database Admin ), then you should grant DBA to that user as follows.
SQL> grant connect to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant resource to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant dba to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL>
Grant System Priviliges
System and object priviliges are granted as follows.
Grant System priviliges Syntax
GRANT "System_priviliges_name" to "user_name";
SQL> grant create any table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant drop any table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant insert any table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant update any table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant delete any table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant select any table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded.
You can grant multiple system priviliges in a Grant clause as follows.
SQL> grant create any index,alter any table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL>
Grant Object Priviliges
Grant Object priviliges Syntax
GRANT object_priv [(columns)] ON object TO {user | role | PUBLIC} [WITH GRANT OPTION];
GRANT object_privileges ON object TO user;
SQL> SQL> grant select on test_table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant insert on test_table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant update on test_table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant delete on test_table to mehmetsalih; Grant succeeded. SQL>
Revoke Priviliges in Oracle
You can revoke any existing priviliges from user or roles as follows.
REVOKE {privilege [, privilege...] | ALL} ON object FROM {user [,user] | role | PUBLIC } [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS];
You can revoke the roles from any user as follows.
SQL> SQL> revoke dba from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> revoke resource from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> revoke connect from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL>
You can revoke the system priviliges from any user as follows
SQL> revoke create any table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> revoke drop any table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> revoke insert any table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> revoke update any table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> revoke delete any table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL>revoke select any table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL>
You can revoke the object priviliges from any user as follows.
SQL> revoke select on test_table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> SQL> revoke insert on test_table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> SQL> revoke update on test_table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL> SQL> revoke delete on test_table from mehmetsalih; Revoke succeeded. SQL>
You can list the roles, dba users and users priviliges using the following dba views.
select * from dba_roles; select * from dba_users; select username,account_status,lock_date,expiry_date,profile from dba_users; select * from dba_role_privs where granted_role='DBA'; select * from v$pwfile_users; select * from dba_tab_privs;
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