Shell script to verify tablespace usage under each pdb and send output in Oemail


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  • #26006

    Hi All,
    Could you please share the shell script as per below requirement.
    Sysdba user to connect each pdb and collect tablespace usage information.
    If tablespace is full more than 85% it should send output result in email for the individual pdbs under one email only. Thank you!


    You can add this code to your DBA Job or EM Jobs to check Tablespace size.

    set pagesize 1000 linesize 180
    tti ‘Tablespace Usage Status’
    col “TOTAL(MB)” for 99,999,999.999
    col “USAGE(MB)” for 99,999,999.999
    col “FREE(MB)” for 99,999,999.999
    col “EXTENSIBLE(MB)” for 99,999,999.999
    col “FREE PCT %” for 999.99
    col “USED PCT OF MAX %” for 999.99
    col “NOTO” for 9999
    col “OTO” for 999
    select d.tablespace_name “NAME”,
    d.contents “TYPE”,
    nvl(a.bytes /1024/1024,0) “TOTAL(MB)”,
    nvl(a.bytes – nvl(f.bytes,0),0)/1024/1024 “USAGE(MB)”,
    nvl(f.bytes,0)/1024/1024 “FREE(MB)”,
    nvl((a.bytes – nvl(f.bytes,0))/a.bytes * 100,0) “FREE PCT %”,
    nvl(a.ARTACAK,0)/1024/1024 “EXTENSIBLE(MB)”,
    nvl((a.bytes – nvl(f.bytes,0))/ (a.bytes + nvl(a.ARTACAK,0)) * 100,0) “USED PCT OF MAX %”,
    a.NOTO, a.OTO
    from sys.dba_tablespaces d,
    (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes,
    sum(decode(autoextensible,’YES’,MAXbytes – bytes,0 )) ARTACAK,
    count(decode(autoextensible,’NO’,0)) NOTO,
    count(decode(autoextensible,’YES’,0)) OTO
    from dba_data_files
    group by tablespace_name) a,
    (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes
    from dba_free_space
    group by tablespace_name) f
    where d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+)
    and d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+)
    and NOT (d.extent_management like ‘LOCAL’and d.contents like ‘TEMPORARY’)
    select d.tablespace_name “NAME”,
    d.contents “TYPE”,
    nvl(a.bytes /1024/1024,0) “TOTAL(MB)”,
    nvl(t.bytes,0)/1024/1024 “USAGE(MB)”,
    nvl(a.bytes – nvl(t.bytes,0),0)/1024/1024 “FREE(MB)”,
    nvl(t.bytes/a.bytes * 100,0) “FREE PCT %”,
    nvl(a.ARTACAK,0)/1024/1024 “EXTENSIBLE(MB)”,
    nvl(t.bytes/(a.bytes + nvl(a.ARTACAK,0)) * 100,0) “USED PCT OF MAX %”, a.NOTO, a.OTO
    from sys.dba_tablespaces d,
    (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes,
    sum(decode(autoextensible,’YES’,MAXbytes – bytes,0 )) ARTACAK,
    count(decode(autoextensible,’NO’,0)) NOTO,
    count(decode(autoextensible,’YES’,0)) OTO
    from dba_temp_files
    group by tablespace_name) a,
    (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes_used) bytes
    from v$temp_extent_pool
    group by tablespace_name) t
    where d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+)
    and d.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name(+)
    and d.extent_management like ‘LOCAL’
    and d.contents like ‘TEMPORARY%’
    order by 3 desc;

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