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Exadata X8M-2 Image Upgrade Operation Step By Step For Image Version 20.1.9 With Best Practices


Exadata X8M-2 Image Upgrade Operation Step By Step For Image Version 20.1.9 With Best Practices




1-) Introduction
2-) Step by Step Image Upgrade Operations on X8M-2 Multi-rack Exadata System
3-) Consequently

4-) Referances


1-) Introduction


What Is Exadata X8M?

- Exadata X8M is the latest generation Exadata Database Machine that provides in-memory performance for both OLTP and Analytics with capacity, sharing, and cost benefits of shared storage.
- Exadata X8M introduces three new technologies:
- Native Persistent Memory
- New RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) Network Fabric
- Ultra-Fast RDMA to Persistent Memory Access

- Exadata X8M-2 and 20.1.9 image version new feature topics are explained detaily.
New in Exadata X8M-2


What's New in Oracle Exadata Database Machine 20.1.0

The following features are new for Oracle Exadata System Software 20.1.0:
- Exadata Secure RDMA Fabric Isolation
- Smart Flash Log Write-Back
- Fast In-Memory Columnar Cache Creation
- Cell-to-Cell Rebalance Preserves PMEM Cache Population
- Control Persistent Memory Usage for Specific Databases
- Application Server Update for Management Server
Exadata System Software Update

- Exadata System Software Update is now generally available. is a maintenance release that adds critical bug fixes and security fixes on top of 20.1.X releases.

2-) Step by Step Image Patch Operations on X8M-2 Multirack Exadata System


Current Environment

2 full X8M-2 (16 compute nodes , 28 cell storage , 4 leaf 2 spine switches )
Exist Image Version=19.3.10
Next Image Version=20.1.9

How it works?
We will  patch apply in order of dbnodes,cellnodes,switches on  X8m-2 hardware multi-rack system.
Roce switch upgrade will be done instead of infiniband switch.


Preparation Steps  to Patch

Exadata System Software and Hardware Versions Supported  Document 1626579.1


Exadata general master node = Doc ID 888828.1
Image version 20.1.9 files;

Patch 32738303 - Storage server software (
Patch 32591482 - RDMA network switch (7.0(3)I7(8)) and InfiniBand network switch (2.2.16-2) software
Patch 32591483 - Database server bare metal / KVM / Xen domU ULN exadata_dbserver_20. OL7 channel ISO image (
Patch 21634633 - Exadata database server update - patchmgr


#Upload patch files to first compute node to  following dest.
mkdir /tmp/setup/

#Installation template for ip and hostnames
ls –lrt *.InstallationTemplate.html

#With the above information, the following groups are created.

#Create directory
dcli  -g /root/dbs_group -l root "mkdir -p /setup/patch/exa2019/dbfolder/"
dcli  -g /root/dbs_group -l root "mkdir –p /setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/"

#You must copy dbnaodepatch to all compute node
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group -f /tmp/setup/ -d  /setup/patch/exa2019/dbfolder/
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group -f /tmp/setup/ -d   /setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/

#You must unzip  dbnaodepatch to all compute node
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group  "unzip /setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/ -d /setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/"
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group  "unzip /setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/dbpatchmgr_*/ -d /setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/"

#You must copy cellpatch on just  first compute node
mkdir -p /setup/patch/exa2019/cellfolder/
cp  /tmp/setup/ /setup/patch/exa2019/cellfolder/

#You must copy switchpatch on just  first compute node
mkdir -p /setup/patch/exa2019/swpatch/
cp  /tmp/setup/ /setup/patch/exa2019/swpatch/



Healthcheck of Exadata

#Exachk applying
--> Download and install: MOS 1070954.1

cd /opt/oracle.ahf
export RAT_ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oacle/product/
./exachk -a -o v
#You can analyze exachk.html

#You must execute only first node.
#Exadata healthcheck with dcli

dcli   -g /root/dbs_group -l root  uptime
dcli   -g /root/cell_group -l root  uptime
dcli   -g /root/roce_group -l root  uptime
#dcli   -g /root/ibs_group -l root  uptime
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group dbmcli -e  "list alerthistory attributes name,beginTime,alertMessage where alerttype=stateful and endtime=null"
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group cellcli -e "list alerthistory attributes name,beginTime,alertMessage where alerttype=stateful and endtime=null"
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group "hostname -I"
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group  uptime
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group "/opt/oracle.cellos/ipconf -verify"
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group "ipmitool sunoem version"
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group "/usr/bin/ipmitool sunoem cli 'show -script /SP/network'" | grep ipaddress | egrep -v "pendingipaddress"
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group "/usr/bin/ipmitool sunoem cli 'show -script /SP/clock'" | grep timezone
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group "ibstatus"
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group "dbmcli  -e   LIST DBSERVER"
#dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group "systemctl status dbserverd.service "
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group cellcli  -e "list cell attributes flashcachemode"
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group cellcli  -e "list cell attributes pmamcachemode"
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group “systemctl list-unit-files celld.service” | grep celld
#dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group  chkconfig –list celld
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group "cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,status,asmmodestatus,asmdeactivationoutcome"
dcli -l root -g cell_group "cellcli -e list physicaldisk"
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group  "imagehistory"
dcli -g /root/all_group -l root “df –Ph” | grep ”100%”
#dcli -g /root/ibs_group -l root “df –Ph” | grep ”100%”
dcli -g /root/roce_group -l root “df –Ph” | grep ”100%”
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group cellcli  -e  “list quarantine”
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group  "logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/syslog"
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group imageinfo | grep 'Active image version'
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group ipmitool sunoem version
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group chkconfig  --list celld
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group imageinfo | grep Kernel
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group imageinfo | grep 'Image version'
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group ipmitool sunoem version
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group  "/u01/app/ config crs"
cat /etc/fstab | grep nfs
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group "/opt/oracle.cellos/ -verify -semantic -at-runtime -check-consistency -verbose -nocodes"
dcli -l root -g /root/all_group "/opt/oracle.cellos/CheckHWnFWProfile"

#Db status
srvctl status database -d db_uniq_name -v



You should apply exachk.
You should control exadata for healthcheck and configurations.
You should control exadata alertlogs.
You should connect to ilom for all nodes.
You should stop apps.
You should restart all nodes (dbnode,cellnode).
You should connect to nodes directly.
You should trace nodes with ilom.
You should uninstall conflict rpms.
You should uninstall third party security rpms.
You should dismount nfs mounts.
You should set permitrootlogin to yes on  sshd_config file.
You should set clientaliveinterval to 86400 on  sshd_config file.
You should reset ilom  for all_group .
You should reset password for  all_group  and switches.
You should set ntp for all_group  and switches.
You can ignore glusterfs rpm errors .
You can ignore "No link detected eth1" with "-w".
You can ignore "Yum rolling update requires for grid bp12" If your version is not this.
You must stop and disable crs before patching
You should umount nfs disk.
You should disable jobs.
You should patch non-rolling.
You should backup /etc .
Remove zfs infos from fstab file.
Restart all dbnodes if there is zfs disk mount problem after ibswitch patch operation 
Patch manager is executed from first compute node as root.
Ssh equivalence for the root user must be configured.
Do not monitor the log files in a writable mode.
Upgrade progress can be monitored by ILOM console.
Order of operation = dbnodepatchone , cellpatchall + dbnodepatchother, cell clean , dbnode clean , crs and db start , switch patch
Remove zfs infos from fstab file.
Restart all dbnodes if there is zfs disk mount problem after ibswitch patch operation
You should restart db nodes if there is ethernet card down problem after switch patching.
There should not be many files under /root and /opt
Free space should be enough for vgdisplay

Operation is offline. It takes an average of 5 hour without problem.
You call me for other problem and advices !!!


Patch Implementation Strategy Best Practices ;

1-) Apply healthcheck of exadata.
2-) Apply dbnodeupdate on compute node 1. (It takes an average of 1 hour)
Cell nodes and other compute nodes patches can be applied same time
3-) Apply cellnodesupdate on compute node 1. All cell storages is patched. (It takes an average of 1 hour)
4-) Apply dbnodeupdate on each of the other compute nodes. (It takes an average of 1 hour)
5-) Check updates is completed successfully with compute nodes and cell nodes .
6-) Apply cleanup for cell nodes and compute nodes . This step opens crs and database . (It takes an average of 5-10 minutes)
7-) Apply roceswitchesupdate on compute node 1.It works rolling automatically  . Meanwhile  already database was open. The database continues to run. (It takes an average of 1 hour) .
Apply ibswitchesupdate before X8
8-) Apply healthcheck of exadata.



Prechk Steps 

Prechk Compute Node

#Configure  ssh Equivalency
dcli   -g /root/dbs_group -l root  -k

#Prechk on every compute node
/setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/ -u -v -l /setup/patch/exa2019/dbfolder/
#You should analyze output.

Prechk Cell Node

#Configure  ssh Equivalency
dcli   -g /root/cell_group -l root  -k

#Prechk on first  compute node
cd /setup/patch/exa2019/cellfolder/
cd patch*

./patchmgr -cells /root/cell_group -reset_force
./patchmgr -cells /root/cell_group -cleanup
./patchmgr -cells /root/cell_group -patch_check_prereq

#You should analyze output.

Prechk Switches(Infiniband || Roce)



#Prechk on first  compute node
cd /setup/patch/exa2019/swpatch/
cd patch*

#Configure  ssh Equivalency
#dcli   -g /root/ibs_group -l root  -k
./roce_switch_api/ xxxIPxxx,xxxIPxxx

#Ibswitch prechk
#./patchmgr -ibswitches /root/ibs_group -upgrade -ibswitch_precheck

#Roce switch verify & prechk
time ./patchmgr --roceswitches /root/roceswitches.lst --verify-config --log_dir /u01/install/scratchpad/
time ./patchmgr --roceswitches /root/roceswitches.lst --upgrade --roceswitch-precheck --log_dir /u01/install/scratchpad/

#You should analyze output.



Patch Steps

Patch Compute Node

#Stop crs
dcli  -g /root/dbs_group  -l root "$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl disable crs "
dcli  -g /root/dbs_group  -l root "$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stop  crs "

#Reboot all compute nodes

#Control compute node alerts
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group dbmcli -e  "list alerthistory attributes name,beginTime,alertMessage where alerttype=stateful and endtime=null" | grep -v aide

#Patch apply on every  compute node with root user
/setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/ -u -l /setup/patch/exa2019/dbfolder/

#Control version of compute nodes on first compute node with root user
dcli -l root -g /root/dbs_group imageinfo | grep 'Image version'

#Post run  on every  compute node with root user
/setup/patch/exa2019/dbpatchmgr/ –c

Patch Cell Node

#Patch apply on first compute node with root user
#Stop all cell services
dcli  -g /root/dbs_group  -l root "$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl disable crs "
dcli  -g /root/dbs_group  -l root "$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stop  crs "
dcli  -g /root/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e alter cell shutdown services all"

#Control cell node alerts
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group cellcli -e "list alerthistory attributes name,beginTime,alertMessage where alerttype=stateful and endtime=null" | grep -v aide

#Monitor cell
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root "uptime"
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list physicaldisk"
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list celldisk"
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list griddisk"
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root "service celld status"
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root “systemctl list-unit-files celld.service” | grep celld
#dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root  chkconfig –list celld
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,status,asmmodestatus,asmdeactivationoutcome"
dcli -g dbs_group -l root "$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl check crs"
dcli -g dbs_group -l root "ps -ef | grep grid"
dcli -g dbs_group -l root "ps -ef|grep -e crs -e smon -e pmon"

#Unzip patch file
cd /setup/patch/exa2019/cellfolder/
cd patch*

#Patch cell storage
nohup ./patchmgr -cells /root/cell_group  -patch &

#Post run
./patchmgr -cells /root/cell_group -cleanup

#Control version of cell nodes
dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group imageinfo | grep 'Active image version'

#Start crs
dcli  -g /root/dbs_group  -l root "$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl enable crs "
dcli  -g /root/dbs_group  -l root "$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl start  crs "

#List griddisk status
dcli -g /root/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,status,asmmodestatus,asmdeactivationoutcome"

Patch Switches(infiniband or roce)



#Restart ibs_group in order 
#Every one takes 5-10 min

#Ibswitch prechk
cd /setup/patch/exa2019/swpatch/ 
cd patch*
./patchmgr -ibswitches /root/ibs_group -upgrade -ibswitch_precheck

#Patch apply on first  compute node  with root user
#Subnet master should be first in the ibs group list.
#Subnet manager determines patch order for switches . You can run switches.
getmaster -l

cd /setup/patch/exa2019/swpatch/
cd patch*

#Ibswitch every one takes 15-20 min
#nohup ./patchmgr -ibswitches /root/ibs_group –upgrade &

#Ibswitches view version
#dcli -l root -g /root/ibs_group version
#dcli -l root -g /root/ibs_group uptime

#Roce switch
#Rocewitches every one takes 15-20 min
time ./patchmgr --roceswitches /root/roceswitches_leaf.lst -- upgrade --log_dir /u01/install/scratchpad/ 
time ./patchmgr --roceswitches /root/roceswitches_spine.lst --upgrade --log_dir /u01/install/scratchpad/ 

#Ssh for roceswitches and view version
dcli -l root -g /root/roce_group "show version"
dcli -l root -g /root/roce_group uptime



3-) Consequently

In this article, We have patched compute node, cell storage and roce switches step by step. Operation  was done for 20.1.9 image version in X8M-2 Exadata.

4-) Referances






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