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CRS-2800: Cannot start resource ‘ora.ctssd’ as it is already in the INTERMEDIATE state on server

I got ” CRS-2800: Cannot start resource ‘ora.ctssd’ as it is already in the INTERMEDIATE state on server ”  error in Oracle database.


CRS-2800: Cannot start resource ‘ora.ctssd’ as it is already in the INTERMEDIATE state on server


Details of error are as follows.

GI service fails to start:

$ srvctl start service -s <service> -d <database>
PRCD-1084 : Failed to start service <service>
PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.<database>.<instance>.svc
CRS-2800: Cannot start resource 'ora.<database>.db' as it is already in the INTERMEDIATE state on server '<hostname>'
CRS-2632: There are no more servers to try to place resource 'ora.<database>.<service>.svc' on that would satisfy its placement policy
CRS-2800: Cannot start resource 'ora.<database>.db' as it is already in the INTERMEDIATE state on server '<hostname>'

$ srvctl config database -d <database> -a
Database unique name: <database>
Database name:
Oracle home: /opt/oracle/product/
Oracle user: oracle
Spfile: +DATA02/sgracdb/spfile<database>.ora
Start options: open
Stop options: immediate
Database role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
Server pools: <server_pool>
Database instances: <instance1>,<instance2>
Mount point paths:
Services: <service>
Type: RAC
Database is enabled
Database is administrator managed



Cannot start resource ‘ora.ctssd’ as it is already in the INTERMEDIATE state on server

This CRS-2800 error is related to the database resource is in INTERMEDIATE state with Restricted Access.


$ crsctl stat res ora.<database>.db -t
Cluster Resources
1 ONLINE INTERMEDIATE <hostname1> Restricted Access
2 ONLINE INTERMEDIATE <hostname2> Restricted Access




Get the database resource out of “INTERMEDIATE” state, in this case, disable restricted access:


1)Disable the restricted session on all the DB instances:


SQL> alter system disable restricted session;

2)Start the service


$ srvctl start service -s <service> -d <database>

3)Check the service status


$ srvctl status service -s <service> -d <database>
Service <service> is running on instance(s) <instance1>,<instance2>


Do you want to learn Oracle Database for Beginners, then read the following articles.

Oracle Tutorial | Oracle Database Tutorials for Beginners ( Junior Oracle DBA )


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