Full Error Text : Bad public user name or password. PRM DBAccess Error: Connection attempt to database failed with message Cannot load OCI DLL : D:\app\Admin\product\12.2.0\client_1\BIN\oci.dll;
I will show the solution of the error that occurs when you try to connect a database from Primavera application.
You will get this error when the database and Oracle database client versions are different. You must install the correct client to access the database. Otherwise this error occurs and Primavera cannot connect to database.
Firstly, you must check your database’s version. You can check that like below ;
SQL> select version from v$instance; VERSION -----------------
Then go to this website and find the same client version with the database. Also, be sure the architecture of the client is same with your operating system’s architecture (32/64 bit).
After you download and install the client correctly , this error won’t be happen.
You can find the Oracle database client installation steps at this article :
Do you want to learn Oracle Database for Beginners, then read the following articles.
As for the connection to the database, I use salesforce odbc driver.